Teaching history of education in/for the 21st century

Cet article est disponible en Anglais Américain.

Research project at the University of Leuven by Prof. Pieter Verstraete and Nele Reyniers that aims to uncover some of the contemporary teaching practices and teaching beliefs within the domain of history of education.

« The aim of this project is to contribute to the ongoing debates with regard to the usefulness and place of history of education courses for academic studies like for instance educational sciences. In order to reveal the present-day teaching practices and teaching beliefs the project will make use of two main research instruments: a web survey with questions focusing on the topics enumerated above and several interviews.

We would be very grateful if you would be willing to disperse the online questionnaire among your members. The questionnaire can be accessed by clicking on the following link:
https://websurvey.kuleuven.be/index.php/5683/lang-en  and will be available until 15 May 2017.

The answers to the questionnaire will enable us to map current teaching practices and teaching beliefs in history of education courses. The results of the questionnaire will be disseminated by means of several presentations at history of education conferences as well as by the publication of an international article. »

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